Feeding a growing world population whilst still protecting our environment is extremely challenging
Agriculture places significant pressure on natural resources and our environment and non-sustainable agricultural practices, seeking maximum yield with minimum regard for the environmental and human consequences, can result in destruction of habitat, soil erosion and degradation, amongst other things
Friend of the Earth is an international certification scheme for sustainable agriculture and breeding whose principles are based on the safeguarding and protection of the entire ecosystem. Sustainable agriculture is a type of farming that focuses on producing long-term crops and livestock without compromising the ability of current or future generations to meet their needs, based on the principle of maintaining a sustainable balance between the demands for food production and the preservation of our natural environment.
By clicking on the links below you can view all the Friend of the Earth’s sustainable news – covering such topics as agriculture, conservation projects and our latest press releases. You can also access our Webinars and online courses that cover a wide range of topics such as ‘Sustainable Insect farming’ to ‘Sustainable coffee production and certification’.
We regularly update this page so you can keep up to date with how Friend of the Earth is contributing towards sustainable living.
Friend of the Earth, lo standard di certificazione globale leader per prodotti e aziende che aderiscono a pratiche sostenibili, ha annunciato oggi di aver certificato i pomodori H2Orto, da coltivazione idroponica. Prodotto in Italia dall’azienda Agricola FRI-EL Green House, il pomodoro H2Orto coltivato in serre ad alta tecnologia ora può mostrare il logo di Friend of the Earth […]
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“Pangolins: probable origin of COVID-19 and most trafficked endangered mammal” http://chng.it/4gVSPRM2Vy Friend of the Earth WebinarWEBINAR: Special Earth Day Webinar about Pangolins & Covid-19 Featuring:Patrick Boehler Editor of the Pangolinreportshttps://www.pangolinreports.com/ Presenter:Paolo BrayFounder and Director Friend of the Sea – Friend of the Earthpaolobray@friendofthesea.org Download presentation here:https://mega.nz/file/UhlkhAoB#5yUR-sZfMAfGZPCkCJMzMMqJOBm5CB05hNGqQHLgiNA Dear Madam/Sir, Friend of the Earth is pleased […]
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L’iniziativa di Friend of the Earth mira a rallentare la distruzione della seconda foresta pluviale più grande del mondo Friend of the Earth, l’Organizzazione non governativa (ONG) che promuove l’agricoltura e i metodi di coltivazione sostenibili, ha lanciato una petizione per fermare le attività di deforestazione delle società di gomma e olio di palma nella foresta […]
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Featuring:Guillermo Varga – Co-founder and Director of Café Monteverdehttps://www.cafedemonteverde.com/ Presented by:Paolo Bray, Founder and Director Friend of the Sea – Friend of the Earthhttps://www.friendofthesea.orghttps://www.friendoftheearth.org Download presentation here:https://mega.nz/file/0l9DWL4B#PO14KUhHRjcOc0wpBrDBdEfcYeouvJeo2yDSGt2xUhE Dear Madam/Sir, Friend of the Earth would like to invite you to the upcoming free of charge webinar on “Sustainable coffee production and certification. Café Monteverde case study […]
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Bovinmarche è il consorzio marchigiano di riferimento per l’allevamento. Con oltre 400 aziende che trattano ogni tipo di carne, la specialità ovina ha ottenuto la certificazione Friend of the Earth. Bovinmarche, nel corso della sua attività ultratrentennale è stato in grado di svilupparsi ed evolversi, arrivando a coinvolgere centinaia di aziende a livello regionale e […]
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Bovinmarche, la cooperativa di allevatori di bovini di razza marchigiana, ha presentato la nuova linea skin di carne agli operatori del settore……
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Dona Rufina è il primo brand Friend of the Earth Sustainable Fashion Certified. Un progetto al femminile per valorizzare la cultura del feltro della Pampa brasiliana tra ambiente, sostenibilità sociale e recupero dell’identità locale. Friend of the Earth, il progetto internazionale di certificazione di prodotti da agricoltura e allevamento sostenibile, lancia la nuova certificazione Sustainable Fashion. […]
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Driven by Coronavirus concerns, Chinese Government decision also influenced by petition from leading sustainability NGO A petition launched by Friend of the Earth was an influential factor in the February 24 decision by the government of China to enact a permanent ban on the trade and consumption of wild animals. The ban is a response […]
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Encourages sustainable practices in the production and consumption of garments and textiles Friend of the Earth, the leading global certification standard for products and businesses that adhere to sustainable practices, announced today that it is launching a new certification for Sustainable Fashion. Businesses that earn the certification must pass an audit demonstrating their commitment to […]
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Goal is to stop poaching almost-extinct scale-covered mammal used in traditional Chinese medicine and prized as a food delicacy. Friend of the Earth, the preeminent worldwide certification for agriculture and land-based ecosystems, has initiated an online petition requesting that the governments of China and Vietnam enforce a ban on the trade in pangolin parts. The scale-covered mammal […]
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