Press Releases

sustainable fashion certification

Il fashion etico di Dona Rufina è certificato Friend of the Earth sostenibile, per l’ambiente e per i lavoratori.

Dona Rufina è il primo brand Friend of the Earth Sustainable Fashion Certified. Un progetto al femminile per valorizzare la cultura del feltro della Pampa brasiliana tra ambiente, sostenibilità sociale e recupero dell’identità locale. Friend of the Earth, il …
foto pangolin in gabbia dimensioni corrette

Friend of the Earth Petition Contributes to China’s Decision to Ban Trade and Consumption in Wild Animals

Driven by Coronavirus concerns, Chinese Government decision also influenced by petition from leading sustainability NGO A petition launched by Friend of the Earth was an influential factor in the February 24 decision by the government of China to enact a …
Sustainable Fashion Practices

Friend of the Earth Launches Sustainable Fashion Certification

Encourages sustainable practices in the production and consumption of garments and textiles Friend of the Earth, the leading global certification standard for products and businesses that adhere to sustainable practices, announced today that it is launching a new certification for …
pangolin dimensioni corrette

New Petition Asks Chinese and Vietnamese Governments to Enforce Pangolin Trade Ban

Goal is to stop poaching almost-extinct scale-covered mammal used in traditional Chinese medicine and prized as a food delicacy. Friend of the Earth, the preeminent worldwide certification for agriculture and land-based ecosystems, has initiated an online petition requesting that the governments of …