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The World Sustainability Organization announces opening of the first Ethical and Sustainable Showroom in Milan: a must for responsible buyers.


The first Ethical and Sustainable Showroom, managed by the World Sustainability Organization will open just before the famous week of fashion in Milan, on the 19th of February and until the 28th. For more info and to book the date and time slot of your visit https://friendoftheearth.org/sustainable-showroom/ info@friendoftheearth.org Tel. +39 3441580067

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LOME: Benessere e Rispetto per l’ambiente.


Il progetto LOME di Masseria Fruttirossi nasce dalla passione di Michele De Lisi per la melagrana. Nel 2014 il sogno diventa realtà e prende vita la prima piantagione di 5000 piante, avviata insieme ai due figli. Un polo agricolo, nelle fertili campagne di Castellaneta, in Puglia, dove si producono piante da frutta dalle proprietà benefiche e salutari, […]

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World Sustainability Organization starts collaboration with Ghanaian media personality & philanthropist Natalie Fort to promote sustainability awareness


The World Sustainability Organization, managing the Friend of the Earth and Friend of the Sea programs for promotion and certification of sustainable products and services, today announces its official collaboration with leading Ghanaian Media Personality, Entrepreneur & Philanthropist, Natalie Fort, to promote awareness of sustainability. The World Sustainability Organization and Natalie Fort’s Fort Group, envision working together to drive […]

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Your Pictures Can Help Protect Endangered butterflies! Friend of the Earth Launches the First Global Butterfly Census.


New Global Butterflies Census Leans On Citizen Science to Save Endangered Species.  Butterflies have an extraordinary power over us. For centuries, these delicate and colorful creatures have enchanted us with their beauty. Sadly, in recent times, butterflies and moths’ populations have plummeted to the point that numerous species could disappear from the face of the earth. Friend […]

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Friend of the Earth Certifies INECAP for Sustainable Production of Moringa, Tara, and Jojoba.


Innovación y Ecología Aplicada S.A.C. from Peru is a leader in efficient and sustainable agriculture. Friend of the Earth, the leading global certification standard for products issued from sustainable agriculture and breeding, is pleased to announce that Innovación y Ecología Aplicada S.A.C. (INECAP) has been certified for sustainable production of moringa, tara, and jojoba. The company can […]

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Things We Can Do to Save Endangered Species and Prevent a New Wave of Extinction.


More than 37,000 species are threatened with extinction. On Endangered Species Day, help us save together the species at risk by supporting the World Sustainability Organization conservation projects. Here’s what you need to know about the most threatened species on the planet and how to help them.  From an adorable panda to a white shark, from a Tristan […]

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Embrace ottiene la certificazione di Friend of the Earth


“Embrace: autentico come un abbraccio” questo lo slogan ideato per l’olio realizzato dall’azienda agricola Evo Sicily. Parliamo di un’azienda molto giovane, visto che è stata creata nel 2019, nata dall’intuizione, dallo studio e dalle capacità di Carmen e Giusy, due sommelier e tecniche esperte dell’olio extra vergine d’oliva. Embrace, oltre ad essere un prodotto di qualità, è anche volto […]

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World Sustainability Organization celebrates Earth Day with a call to build more sustainable societies.


Since its creation in 1970, Earth Day has become a landmark date, turning into a worldwide celebration that gathers more than a BILLION people around the globe. It’s conceived as a day of action to change human behavior and create global, national, and local policy changes. Numerous events will take place during this week, from virtual concerts to global conferences. […]

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