Nasce la prima accademia e agenzia di modelli etica e sostenibile


La Wso models academy & agency mira a promuovere un cambiamento nel sistema della moda in favore della sostenibilità e della giustizia sociale. La settimana della moda donna di Milano si è appena conclusa, dopo una serie di show interamente in digitale. Proprio in questa occasione la World Sustainability Organization (Wso), l’organizzazione con sede in […]

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Italian Cricket Farm ottiene la certificazione di Friend of the Earth


Alle porte di Torino, nel 2017, alcune società leader nel settore agro-alimentare piemontese decisero di dar vita ad un innovativo allevamento di insetti. I soci, infatti, hanno dato vita alla all’Italian Cricket Farm, specializzata nell’allevamenti di grilli. Quest’ultimi sono ritenuti il cibo del futuro, grazie al loro enorme apporto proteico. Al momento, però, i grilli […]

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Webinar on Hydroponics: leading the way towards a more sustainable agriculture – H2orto Fri-EL. Tomato production in hydroponics. 27th January 2021 3pm CET

11/01/2021 Friend of the Earth WebinarHydroponics: leading the way towards a more sustainable agriculture CASE STUDY: H2orto Fri-EL. Tomato production in hydroponics. Featuring:Roel Klap Head of Grower at Fri-ELGreenHouse Presenter:Paolo BrayFounder and Director Friend of the Sea – Friend of the Download presentation here Dear Madam/Sir, Friend of the Earth is pleased […]

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Packaging impact on the environment. A scientific analysis and possible solutions for your specific company and sector. 20th January 2021 – 2 PM (Central European Time)


The World Sustainability Organization,  invites you to register to the online course on “Packaging impact on the environment. A scientific analysis and possible solutions for your specific company and sector.”  This 4 hours course will cover the following subjects: –    Fish Packaging Materials and typologies. –    Pollution from Fish Packaging. –    Chemicals concerns from Fish packaging. –    Fish packaging […]

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Online course on Precision Agriculture. Methods and tools to increase your ROI and reduce your environmental impact. 2nd of December 2020 3 PM (Central European Time)


The World Sustainability Organization, in collaboration with Elaisian and Olio Roi, invite you to register to the online course on “Precision Agriculture. Methods and tools to increase your ROI and reduce your environmental impact.”  This 4 hours course will cover the following subjects: – Agritech: history & evolution, from 1970 until nowadays. – Market: geography where […]

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World Sustainability Organization Collaborates with The Good Food Institute on New Certification Program for Plant-Based Seafood and Meat


The two organizations share a mutual aim of protecting the environment by promoting sustainable food The World Sustainability Organization (WSO) and The Good Food Institute (GFI) Sustainable Seafood Initiative today announced that the two organizations have initiated a joint certification program for plant-based seafood. The certification will be part of the WSO’s Friend of the […]

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FOE Director Paolo Bray interviewed on Dairy Reporter – Podcast #80


Dairy Dialog podcast 80: Carbios, Chr Hansen, Choicelunch and Friend of the Earth.29-Apr-2020 By Jim Cornall The Dairy Dialog podcast this week features four guests: Martin Stephan, CEO of Carbios; Julien Biolley, director of business development and marketing at Chr Hansen; Keith Cosbey, COO and co-founder of Choicelunch; and founder and director of Friend of […]

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Petition Demands End to Trade in Giraffe Products in Honor of World Giraffe Day


Friend of the Earth initiates effort to make North American and EU governments take steps to prevent further endangerment of giraffes  Friend of the Earth, the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that promotes sustainable agriculture and farming methods, has launched a petition on to encourage governments and retailers to curb commercial trade in Giraffe products. Giraffes are endangered, […]

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