Webinar: “Friend of the Earth Sustainability Certifications. An UPDATE”


Dear Madam/Sir, We are delighted to invite you to a free webinar by Friend of the Earth: “Friend of the Earth Sustainability Certifications. An UPDATE” 📅 Date: 31st of March 2025⏰ Time: 4 PM (Central Europe Time) Who is this webinar for? Sustainability and environmental managers Media professionals and journalists NGOs, conservation groups, bloggers, and influencers   What will […]

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“Sustainable Irrigation in Agriculture: Industry Trends and Friend of the Earth Certification”


Dear Madam/Sir, We are delighted to invite you to a free webinar by Friend of the Earth: “Sustainable Irrigation in Agriculture: Industry Trends and Friend of the Earth Certification” 📅 Date: 26th of March 2025⏰ Time: 4 PM (Central Europe Time) Who is this webinar for? Sustainability and environmental managers Media professionals and journalists NGOs, conservation groups, bloggers, and influencers […]

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La World Sustainability Organization lancia la campagna Carbon Offset per un futuro a impatto zero


La World Sustainability Organization (WSO) annuncia il lancio della campagna Carbon Offset, un’iniziativa innovativa per affrontare la crisi climatica globale e aiutare aziende e organizzazioni a ridurre la propria impronta ambientale. Con l’aumento delle temperature globali e le conseguenze sempre più gravi del cambiamento climatico, questa iniziativa rappresenta un passo concreto verso un futuro sostenibile. […]

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Lindaren AG Accelerates Its Sustainability Commitment with Friend of the Earth Initiatives


The World Sustainability Organization Applauds the Swiss Company’s Growing Environmental Leadership The World Sustainability Organization (WSO) is thrilled to announce that Lindaren AG, a Swiss leader in natural supplements, has achieved the prestigious Friend of the Earth Smart Working certification and has joined the WSO Plastic Offset initiative. These new milestones build on the company’s existing Friend of the Sea certification, awarded […]

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Webinar  “How The Sports Sector is Reducing Its Environmental Impact. The Role of Sports Sustainability Certifications”


Dear Madam/Sir, We are delighted to invite you to a free webinar by Friend of the Earth: “How The Sports Sector is Reducing Its Environmental Impact. The Role of Sports Sustainability Certifications” 📅 Date: 21st of February 2025⏰ Time: 4 PM (Central Europe Time) Who is this webinar for? Sustainability and environmental managers Media professionals and journalists NGOs, conservation […]

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Friend of the Earth: Un Impegno per la Moda Sostenibile alla Milano Fashion & Jewels 2025


La World Sustainability Organization (WSO) sarà protagonista alla prossima edizione di Milano Fashion & Jewels, che si terrà presso la Fiera di Rho Milano dal 22 al 25 febbraio 2025.  La manifestazione celebra stile, design e innovazione, e in tale occasione, WSO presenterà la certificazione Friend of the Earth, un riconoscimento internazionale che promuove la responsabilità ambientale nel settore […]

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Webinar:  Friend of the Earth Sustainability Certifications. An UPDATE


Dear Madam/Sir, We are delighted to invite you to a free webinar by Friend of the Earth: “Friend of the Earth Sustainability Certifications. An UPDATE” 📅 Date: 31st of January 2025⏰ Time: 4 PM (Central Europe Time) Who is this webinar for? Sustainability and environmental managers Media professionals and journalists NGOs, conservation groups, bloggers, and influencers   What will […]

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WEBINAR: “Revolutionizing Fashion: Sustainable Practices, Certifications Shaping the Textile Industry’s Future”.


Dear Madam/Sir, We are delighted to invite you to a free webinar by Friend of the Earth: “Revolutionizing Fashion: Sustainable Practices, Certifications Shaping the Textile Industry’s Future”. 📅 Date: 22nd January 2025⏰ Time: 5 PM (Central Europe Time) Who is this webinar for? Sustainability and environmental managers Media professionals and journalists NGOs, conservation groups, bloggers, and influencers   What […]

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La World Sustainability Foundation entra a far parte della UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030


La World Sustainability Foundation (WSF) è orgogliosa di annunciare il suo riconoscimento come Attore ufficiale della UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030 (Decennio delle Nazioni Unite per il Ripristino dell’Ecosistema), una prestigiosa iniziativa guidata dalle Nazioni Unite per affrontare i cambiamenti climatici, proteggere la biodiversità e garantire la sostenibilità a lungo termine del nostro pianeta.   L’adesione della WSF […]

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