Comunicados de Imprensa

pangolin dimensioni corrette

New Petition Asks Chinese and Vietnamese Governments to Enforce Pangolin Trade Ban

Goal is to stop poaching almost-extinct scale-covered mammal used in traditional Chinese medicine and prized as a food delicacy. Friend of the Earth, the preeminent worldwide certification for agriculture and land-based ecosystems, has initiated an online petition requesting that the governments of …
foto raglio di luna

Cascina Raglio DiLuna Certified for Sustainable Agriculture by Friend of the Earth

Italian center for environmental protection and rural education commits to environmentally sustainable practices Cascina Raglio DiLuna, a center for environmental protection and rural education in Italy, has earned certification for sustainable agriculture by Friend of the Earth (FOE). Friend of …
Friend of the Earth e CCPB: Una Nuova, grande partnership per una agricoltura sostenibile

French insect feed producer achieves Friend of the Sea and Friend of the Earth certifications

The firm is one of the largest insect meal producers in Europe …