Friend of the Earth launches Sustainable Chocolate Certification in Ghana.


The world’s leading sustainability certification for the agricultural sector, Friend of the Earth, has introduced the Sustainable Chocolate Certification in Ghana, the second-largest cocoa producer globally after Côte d’Ivoire. The initiative, in partnership with Ghanaian business development firm Fort Group, aims to promote sustainable cocoa farming and ethical chocolate production practices in Ghana. It offers a […]

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First-ever chocolate brand to bear the world’s leading sustainability certification.


Sustainable Chocolate Confectionary brand cultivated in the Bunong region, straddling the Cambodian-Vietnamese border, Culture Choc, has officially joined Friend of the Earth as the first-ever chocolate brand to bear the world’s leading sustainability certification.   Culture Choc prides itself on its mission to transform the chocolate confectionery industry into one that nourishes not only the mind and […]

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World Sustainability Organization launches Sustainable Travel Agencies Certification 


Globally leading sustainability certification organization, World Sustainability Organization (WSO), has launched the Sustainable Travel Agencies Certification as part of its array of multi-industry certifications. The Sustainable Travel Agencies certification is aimed at rewarding travel agencies which prioritise sustainable tourism.   For many years, travel agencies have served as a key factor in international travel; with an intermediary role between […]

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Galapagos Travel Center launches a travel to protect the biodiversity of the Galapagos Islands


The world’s number one direct seller of Galapagos tours, Galapagos Travel Center, has launched a unique, sustainable holiday to the astounding Galapagos Islands, from the 5th to the 12th of August 2024. This one-of-a-kind sustainability-centered trip is aimed at supporting vital marine conservation work in the Galapagos while protecting biodiversity, endangered species, and ecosystems. It is in collaboration with […]

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The World Sustainability Organization presents Friend of the Sea and Friend of the Earth sustainability certifications at the Albanian Agriculture Days Expo


Agri-food is one of the main sectors of the Balkan countries, particularly Albania. Over 40% of the country’s surface is dedicated to agriculture, which generates roughly 23% of the GDP, providing 43% of jobs. The European “Green Deal” is thus extremely relevant to Albania, aiming at new growth with a focus on environmental and social […]

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Friend of the Earth lancia petizione contro la distruzione della foresta del Bacino del Congo da parte di produttori di olio di palma e gomma.


L’iniziativa di Friend of the Earth mira a rallentare la distruzione della seconda foresta pluviale più grande del mondo    Friend of the Earth, l’Organizzazione non governativa (ONG) che promuove l’agricoltura e i metodi di coltivazione sostenibili, ha lanciato una petizione per fermare le attività di deforestazione delle società di gomma e olio di palma nella foresta […]

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Friend of the Earth Launches Sustainable Fashion Certification


Encourages sustainable practices in the production and consumption of garments and textiles Friend of the Earth, the leading global certification standard for products and businesses that adhere to sustainable practices, announced today that it is launching a new certification for Sustainable Fashion. Businesses that earn the certification must pass an audit demonstrating their commitment to […]

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