First Sustainable and Ethical Models Academy and Agency launched by the World Sustainability Organization

Milan Fashion Week 2021 is best time to turn modeling and fashion greener and more ethical

On the 2021 Milan Fashion Week occasion, the World Sustainability Organization, as part of its Sustainable Fashion initiatives, launches its new WSO Models Academy and Agency for ethical and sustainable modeling. Last year the Friend of the Earth sustainable fashion standards had been deployed to certify textiles and fashion products from sustainable origins. A Brazilian producer- Dona Rufina – was the first to achieve this certification, and several other companies are now undergoing an audit. WSO Models’ launch is a step forward to motivate the fashion industry to be more sustainable and have an ethical approach to modeling.

WSO Models Academy & Agency (WSO MAA) is a project of the World Sustainability Organization Srl. The WSO Models Academy & Agency’s mission is to offer a platform in which models can be treated fairly as people, respecting their rights and highlighting them for who they are, their life stories, and their commitment to supporting the community or conservation. In turn, the Academy’s proceeds will also be used to support WSO conservation projects and campaigns. More than ten models from different continents have applied, and fashion companies’ interest is growing.

WSO Academy and Model Agency allows any person who wants to be part of the WSO MAA to have the opportunity to be selected for its values. The WSO MAA supports fair compensation, national laws on employment, proper nutrition, and health recommendations, and has a strict rule against discrimination and sexual harassment. Models are encouraged to commit to conservation initiatives and community support.  The WSO offers support to models from abroad who want to become part of the WSO model archive through virtual castings, photoshoots and support from the Academy.

The WSO MAA does not work with companies involved in the sale of products of endangered species. Contribution to the WSO MAA helps WSO conservation projects and campaigns.

Sustainable fashion is a movement and process of fostering change to fashion products and the fashion system towards greater ecological integrity and social justice. The goal of Friend of the Earth sustainable fashion is to create flourishing ecosystems and communities through its activity. The group seeks to prolong the lifecycle of materials, reduce the amount of waste, and reduce harm to the environment created due to production and consumption.

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